Why choose organic food?
By eating organic, the body avoids having to accumulate endocrine-disrupting residues such as pesticide residues, fungicides, and other potential pesticides.
Pesticides are poisonous since they are designed to kill pests, weeds, or fungi. Some pesticides are also damaging to the health of humans, and they are suspected to be cancer-promoting, hormone-disrupting, or reduce the ability to reproduce. They can have a particularly negative effect on nature and destroy the natural eco-systems, disrupt animal life, and pollute surface and groundwater.
Organic farms do not use fertilizers or synthetic pesticides. The house animals live under more natural conditions, and they do not get growth-promoting substances, antibiotics, or preservatives in their food. Furthermore, only a few additives are allowed in organic products. It is debated whether organic products are a healthier alternative than the corresponding conventional ones. But ecology is certainly a good choice for the environment, nature, and animal welfare.
A very large part of the spray residues is on the outside of the peel. Unfortunately, very little of the pesticide residues are removed when the crops are rinsed. However, it is still, for hygienic reasons, a good idea to wash the vegetables and fruits before they are eaten. For crops such as lettuce, it is a good idea to remove the outer leaves, so the pesticide residues that sit on the outside are removed.
Even though a large part of the pesticide residues is on the peel, you should not peel organic fruit and vegetables. The peel also contains a lot of important substances, such as vitamins and it is, therefore, good to eat the peel from the organic crops, where the peel is edible – even if it should contain pesticide residues.