We also supply our bars, bites, and bombs, to companies that choose to prioritize health as a quality in both employees, customers, and guests. The products are intended for you, who care about your relations and are willing to invest a little to make your words turn into actions.

Consider what you want to be offered: A well-known product, or our products which are developed to reward and to fight off lifestyle complications by being both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, simultaneously.

What is in it for you?

For you, as the business leader, the benefits are:

  • Reduction in sick leave
  • Increased productivity.
  • A better image and a much more attractive work environment.

For your employees, the benefits are that they feel:

  • Increased energy and mental health.
  • Generally better health.
  • More enjoyment of work.
  • More appreciated.


Danish and international surveys have shown that both leaders and employees think that health no longer is a purely private matter. In other words, you are allowed to get into your employees’ business, granted there is a reasonable cause and that you have the right intentions.

Healthy and happy people are more productive, have a higher quality of work, are less sick, have better mental health, and thrive better in everyday life and the workplace.

Clean conscience

We are ecological, vegetarian, and we do not use additives or preservatives. We do not use raw foods with lactose, gluten, or palm oil. We produce in Denmark, and the majority of our packaging is FSC and Cradle to Cradle certified, which means we are focused on sustainability and the longevity of our planet. You can enjoy our products with a clear conscience because those are the advantages that you, your employees, and your guests will achieve.

It does not get easier than to offer a couple of tasty, energizing treats which give you a feeling of satiety and boost your health.

Do you see the trick?

If you can see the trick and would like to trade with us, we will sign, as a bonus, with a discount code of 10% which you let all of your employees know about.

Never mind your motive – for example, to make an order, clarifying questions, or maybe something else – do not hesitate to contact us at btb@polynpro.com or +45 52 40 94 08. If the number is busy, then simply keep trying. The office is open all weekdays from 09:00-15:00