What is the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan?
What is a vegetarian?
The vegetarian diet is mostly plant-based but there is a little bit that comes from animals as long as that animal is not harmed or killed. The vegetarian can eat eggs, honey, and dairy products. It is called ovo-laco-vegetarianism. If you are a vegetarian that only eats eggs and does not eat dairy products, then you are an ovo-vegetarian. Hvis du only use dairy products and not eggs, then you are a laco-vegetarian. If you eat fish, you are a pescatarian – and not a ‘real’ vegetarian, since fish are killed so they can be eaten.
Vegetarians often use beans, lentils, chickpeas, and nuts to reach their daily protein intake. Additionally, they use soy products such as tofu and gluten products, such as Seitan, as a meat substitute.
Vegetarians can eat vegetables, fruits, grains, grains, seeds, herbs, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and nuts. As well as chocolate, olive oil and other types of oil, vegetarian products, and protein powders.
If a vegetarian does not eat anything from the animal kingdom at all – neither eggs, milk, or fish, you as a vegetarian can be vegan – but a vegan thinks even more about animal welfare in connection with, for example, bees and honey.
What is a vegan?
Vegans try to only use products and foods that nature naturally produces. Vegans strive to avoid all animal products like milk, eggs, meat, wool, leather, honey, products tested on animals, and other circumstances where animals are taken advantage of or abused or used e.g. in circuses, zoos, etc.
When we talk about vegan food, we mean food that is entirely without animal products or additives. All other food that nature produces can be consumed by a vegan.
As a vegan, you can eat vegetables, fruits, grains, grains, seeds, herbs, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and nuts. As well as chocolate, olive oil and other types of oil, vegan products, and protein powders. Tofu, meat substitute, and seitan can also be eaten by vegans.
Today there are many types of supplements only for vegans and if you need extra vitamins, minerals and fats there is help to be found.