What are Free radicals?

Free radicals are molecules that are produced in the body when it breaks down food or is exposed to tobacco smoke and radiation. These molecules are highly reactive and can cause damage to cells, proteins, and DNA by stealing electrons from them. This process is known as “oxidation,” and it can lead to the development of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Free radicals can also be produced in the body as a result of normal metabolic processes, such as the conversion of food to energy. The body has a number of mechanisms in place to protect itself from the harmful effects of free radicals, such as antioxidant enzymes and substances called antioxidants, which can neutralize free radicals and reduce or prevent the damage they cause. However, when the body is exposed to too many free radicals or when the antioxidant defenses are overwhelmed, it can lead to a condition known as “oxidative stress,” which can cause damage to cells and tissues and contribute to the development of chronic diseases.

We all know oxidation from everyday life

Free radicals are unstable oxygen compounds that start chain processes that damage molecules. These damages can potentially destroy the cells by breaking down fat membranes around the cells, which causes them to stop functioning. The free radicals can destroy the cells’ genetic material, their DNA and cause mutations. These processes are called oxidation.

We all know oxidation from everyday life, for example, when the oxygen in the air makes fats rancid, causes iron to rust, or when sliced apples and avocados turn brown.

This happens because the oxygen in the air takes electrons from the surface of the fruits. If, on the other hand, you drip lemon juice over the fruit, it will not happen. Vitamin C in lemon juice is a powerful antioxidant because vitamin C has the ability to give off electrons to the oxygen atoms in the air and thereby protect the fruit from oxidation.

The more free radicals your body is exposed to, the more polyphenols you need to ingest. If you build up many free radicals through your lifestyle and diet, your body is exposed to oxidative stress and inflammation.

The best defense against free radicals is a strong immune system

The best defense against free radicals is a strong immune system. You build it through a healthy lifestyle and a healthy and varied diet containing sufficient antioxidants and probiotics. This way you mainly get polyphenols from your diet.