For men, the POLY N PRO Bar contains approx. 6-7% of an average male’s caloric intake and 8-9% for women.
Women and men can on average enjoy 11-12 and 14-15 Bars respectively in a day without gaining weight if they do not consume any other calories.
For men, the PLY N PRO Bite contains approx. 2% of the average male’s daily caloric intake and 3% for women.
For that reason, women and men can on average enjoy 35-36 and 45-46 Bites respectively in a day without gaining weight as long as no other calories are consumed.
For men, the POLY N PRO Bomb contains approx. 1% of an average male’s daily caloric intake, and 1.2% of women’s.
Women and men can therefore enjoy 78-80 and 100-102 Bombs respectively in a day without gaining weight as long as no other calories are consumed.
That said, the answer is not quite as simple as you might want it to be, but if you do not overeat, and stick to a balanced diet, then there should be no other problem in terms of weight gain.
This is due to fiber which is a combination of unsaturated fatty acids that give you the feeling of being full for an extended period.
Feeling full for a long time and having a stable blood sugar level will lessen your desire to eat processed foods that are high in sugar and saturated fatty acids.
Regular consumption can even lead to a small weight loss, as you will most likely eat less fructose.
The difference is that the ingredients we use are handpicked and tested for their content of polyphenol, taste, and appearance, etc. Lastly, we can acquire them all year round.
One: The sensation can arise from the healthy fibers, found naturally in the products. Fibers are
important for the stomach, and the sensation is your insurance that the product is working and that we are not tricking you or cutting corners when it comes to producing our product.
It will naturally become easier and cheaper to extract and isolate the polyphenols.
That is a price we are not willing to pay, instead, we will walk that extra mile to ensure that we are offering you a delicious product. You could say that the main components in this product are organic, fiber-rich ingredients, and that is why the taste and consistency of the product need to reflect those ingredients. In our opinion, anything that is not a reflection of our ingredients is dishonest.
When the polyphenols in your POLY N PRO product react with the proteins in your oral cavity, it can feel a bit funny, akin to when you drink a glass of red wine. It is completely natural, and it is your insurance that the polyphenols are actively working.
We only use organic and vegan chocolate, containing cocoa mass, cocoa butter, and sugar. Nothing more. Cocoa butter is the expensive and difficult component of chocolate. It is the reason why it is often replaced by animal fats to lower the cost and make it easier to handle. It requires less knowledge to use chocolate of lower quality, that is mixed with animal fats.
In comparison, organic fruit and vegetables are typically also a bit smaller and the appearance is more varied. Chocolate milk made with real chocolate of high quality often stands out and needs to be shaken before it can be enjoyed. Small quality characteristics are what separate products of quality from others and make them unique. Just like the special quality of rosehip fruits, aronia berries, and maqui berries, which are rich in polyphenols and other important minerals, the quality of chocolate is also unique. You should appreciate the small, natural qualities of organic products.
The grey color will come faster when the chocolate is kept in too hot of an environment or is moved between places with great temperature disparities. The heat makes the fats in the product drag over the surface which is what gives the chocolate a grey color when the chocolate goes cold again. The grey color can also happen if the chocolate is stored in an area that is too cold or moist. Should this happen, then it is the sugars at play, they seep out and create the grey color. We recommend storing our products in a dry and cool area (15°C – 20°C).
We have chosen not to add salt to our products at all because we think that it would be ethically wrong since salt raises blood pressure.
Our products are not regular energy, confectionery, or health products. In terms of appearance and taste, they can be compared to Gourmet confectionery. Energy-wise, they can be compared to a supplement, since they contain fatty acids, polyphenols, vitamin C, and lactic acid bacteria. The ingredients we use are more expensive, and the products require deeper insight to produce. In this case, it is safe to say quality over quantity comes into play.