Is dark chocolate healthy?
Dark chocolate can lift your mood, inspire joy and give you a feeling of joy and well-being. Consumed at your own risk.
Most of us know that broccoli, oranges, and spinach are healthy, mostly because these foods contain antioxidants that help neutralize the body’s free radicles, thus protecting our cells.
According to research done on dark chocolate, dark chocolate is good for heart health. It is the polyphenols in dark chocolate that have health-promoting effects.
Research has shown that polyphenols have anti-inflammatory effects such as counteracting inflammation in the blood vessels and the formation of atherosclerosis, as well as lowering blood pressure in increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. Therefore, the Danish health authorities recommend a moderate daily intake of between 8 – 24 g of dark chocolate as a contribution to a heart-friendly lifestyle.
The health-beneficial polyphenols come from the cocoa found in the cocoa mass. Therefore, it does not matter how dark your chocolate is. The darker the chocolate, the higher the content of cocoa and hence the higher content of the healthy polyphenols.
In addition, cocoa contains tryptophan and theobromine, which can contribute to better sleep, increase insulin sensitivity and stabilize blood sugar levels.