How do I strengthen my immune system?
A healthy immune system helps to keep us healthy and fresh. We cannot survive without one. Every day, we breathe and inhale many different substances: Bacteria, virus, fungi, toxic substances in the air, ground, water, and food. We would get very sick if our body was not able to tell these substances apart again.
Research shows that the immune system is linked to both the nervous system and the hormone system. Therefore, it also means a lot to the immune system whether we are in good mental balance. For example, you get sick more easily if you are stressed over long periods. So, try to have a relaxed day-to-day life, where there are not too many things on the to-do list. Give yourself time to relax and rest.
Help your metabolism and immune system like this:
In order to have well-functioning digestion, the intestinal flora must be optimal, i.e. with a predominance of good intestinal bacteria. In a normal person, the intestine contains approx. 2 kg of intestinal bacteria, which helps in healthy digestion.
Unfortunately, beneficial bacteria are not alone in the gut: Among the many different types of microorganisms that are naturally found in the gut, there are also harmful viruses, bacteria, and fungi.
If you eat predominantly alkaline food, the important intestinal bacteria are fed and this strengthens both the intestinal mucosa and the immune system, while the disease-causing and less beneficial bacteria are starved. However, eating predominantly acidic foods, sweet and highly refined foods can increase the harmful microorganisms, which can lead to intestinal problems, intestinal diseases, lifestyle diseases, and inflammation.
If you have been or are on antibiotics/penicillin, it may help to take intestinal bacteria after the treatment and along the way, alongside the antibiotic. Antibiotics/penicillin also kill some of the good intestinal bacteria and most people, therefore, have a tendency to get sick faster after a course of antibiotics.
To help the immune system on its way, it is beneficial to eat tasty supplements of lactic acid bacteria also called probiotics.
Probiotic means ’for life’ whereas antibiotic means ‘against life’.
Do you often catch colds and influenzas, feel like you have no energy, skin problems and find yourself in a bad mood? That can be a symptom of a weak immune system. You can strengthen it by providing your body with the antioxidants and lactic acid bacteria that it needs.